Sleep Apnea Treatment

cpap machineAre you tired of being sleepy and depressed? Many people are experiencing poor sleep patterns and desire an alternative to cumbersome and unsightly CPAP machines. Dr. Doucette is trained in oral appliance therapy and offers multiple solutions for the treatment of disruptive sleep patterns. He can consult with your physician concerning your specific needs and build a treatment plan incorporating alternatives to CPAP and surgery if appropriate.

Oral Appliance Options

Narval™ CC – The First MRD of Its Kind
Brought to you by Great Lakes

Orthodontics in partnership with ResMed

NarvalNarval™ CC is the first and only CAD/CAM custom-made mandibular repositioning device (MRD) on the market. Narval CC is the ultimate MRD solution for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), as well as those who are unable to comply with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment. It is also a first line treatment for snoring in the absence of OSA.

Respire Blue Series

respireThe Respire Blue Series places the jaw in a position that maintains an open airway by preventing the lower jaw from falling back and collapsing the airway. This in turn will allow patients to inhale more air per breath leading to a better nights sleep. In order to obtain FDA Clearance we had to prove not only that the material is safe, but also that the device effectively achieves its intended purpose.

 Recover Your Normal Sleep Stages or Patterns

Normal sleep stages or patterns lead to a healthier lifestyle with less chance of developing serious illness.

We are a Medicare approved DME provider for sleep appliances.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Doucette